Donation Information

Please continue your donations as a regular Sunday by:

  1. Dropping it off at the Parish office
  2. Mail it in

Go online to donate:

Text to donate: Text the message SMMP801 to the number 73256, it will prompt you from there on how to donate to the Parish.


Cross of Remembrance

Name plates are $200 and $300 each.  Please call or stop by the Parish Office to reserve your plaque for yourself, your family, loved ones, or the parish ministry you are a part of.  The names on the Cross of Remembrance are prayed for at each mass that is celebrated at St. Margaret's. 

A plaque on the Cross makes a beautiful gift!


Cruz de Recuerdo

Las placas de nombre cuestan $200 y $300 cada una. Llame o pase por la oficina parroquial para reservar su placa para usted, su familia, sus seres queridos o el ministerio parroquial del que forma parte. Los nombres en la cruz del recuerdo se rezan en cada misa que se celebra en Santa Margarita.

¡Una placa en la Cruz hace un hermoso regalo!